Les élèves de seconde 3 de Mme Michaux ont organisé en partenariat avec l'écrivain Guy Belleranti un concours de nouvelles.flashf

Depuis les Etats-Unis, l'écrivain n'a pas ménagé ses éloges :

" Madness ? Suspenseful buildup with a main character (Mary) who has our sympathy, even though she has gone a bit mad. The last line. is a great wrap-up!

A Gloomy Castle also has some nice suspense buildup and an unexpected twist ending. However, why would John be party to tricking Jack into thinking he’d been murdered? But the having the gloomy castle and its grounds as setting is a grand idea, and Bravo on a nice twist ending!

“Call of eternal sleep” was nice in its suspense build-up (especially with the clever Beep… Beep… telephone repetitions). I was confused about the ending. Who killed the children and why? And why did the message on the children’s bedroom wall say “You must go to their bedroom…” for the parents are already in this bedroom? Still, a nice concise story with good suspense

"A Dangerous Present - Again, good buildup of suspense and trepidation with the blood drops and so on. I felt a little let down with the ending. Why does Mike kill Katie? And why does Mike frame Michael, his supposed best friend? Is he just crazy? Does Mike think Michael is trying to steal Katie away? None of this is clear. Still, some concise writing with nice a nice build-up of suspense.

Congratulations to all of you budding authors! Your English is much much better than my French! I hope you all continue to have fun creating and writing flash fiction"

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